Saturday, December 24

Moody's: EU reviews need to be revisited

Moody's investors service on Monday said it expected to its ratings on all European-check Union borrowers in the first quarter of next year, adding that last week agreement by European politicians offered some new measures to resolve the debt crisis region.Twenty-six of the 27 European Heads of State and Government have on Friday, more stringent budgetary rules for that track single currency area and also States of the euro zone and others have the crisis offer to help to combat to 200 billion euros ($ 267 billion) in bilateral loans to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

"Basically but the Communique, the offers few new measures, and not our view changes, the risks for the cohesion of the euro area increase continues," said Moody's in a credit report.

"As we unless credit conditions stabilize market in the near future, be announced in November our ratings for all EU rulers need to be." The communique does not change this view, and we continue to expect to complete such a re-positioning in the first quarter of 2012.

The communique the persistent tensions between euro area seminar leader recognition of the need to increase support for tax weaker countries and more to do considerable resistance within the countries, so reflects, said Moody's.

"In the midst of the increasing pressure on euro area authorities act quickly, to credit market confidence, are the constraints with those who confronted you, also increases." "The longer that the case is, the greater the risk of adverse economic conditions, which would add to the already considerable challenges for the authorities coordination and debt efforts remains."

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters.

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