Wednesday, July 20

Berlusconi investment arm must pay$ 797 million.

MILAN - premier Silvio Berlusconi family investment company was ordered Saturday, immediately numbers €560 ($797) million - a devastating total and a major setback for market leader in Italy - to a rival media group on corruption in the purchase of the Mondadori Publishing House

The appellate court reduced Milan during a 2009 judgment against Fininvest, maintaining the losses of € 750 million.

The civilian damage award stems from a case in which three Berlusconi associates were sentenced by the damage of a judge, a judgment in favor of the 1990's into industrial Carlo de Benedetti in the struggle for control of Mondadori.

Said de Benedetti company, confirmed the judgment, which in 1991 was "Corruption... organized on behalf of and in the interest of Fininvest" behind its loss by Mondadori.

Berlusconi's daughter Marina Berlusconi, the Fininvest chairs, said that the "completely unfair judgment" was part of a campaign against her father.

"The verdict represents the umpteenth scandalous incident of violent aggression for years against my father, by all means and on all fronts, entrepreneurial and economic, including gone to" Marina Berlusconi said in a statement.

You complained that the price was value twice Fininvest's share of Mondadori, the capital and said lawyers strategy for an appeal at the Supreme Court of the country have already worked.

Berlusconi has been this week, as he introduced a measure in Italy's austerity budget, which would have the Fininvest payment allows delay up to the final appeal. Berlusconi hastily pulled the measure under political pressure opposition, but also allies claims not known was, that the measure in the package was buried.

Despite movement leader in Italy said later there was nothing to stop him by reintroducing the measure in Parliament after the ruling. "Then, no one can keep it a standard only for Fininvest," said Berlusconi.

The first opinion agreed Fininvest made a bank offer guarantee of rival, to avoid immediate payment. Appellate body ruling implies an immediate cash transaction.

Marina Berlusconi remained defiant.

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"We not a euro should pay", she said.

The battle for control of Mondadori was an important turning point for Berlusconi's media empire, control of such influential publications as the weekly political magazine "Panorama" by de Benedetti, who abzuringen the Rome daily newspaper "La Repubblica", Berlusconi's fiercest critics.

While the award in fact the Fininvest 50.41% share of Mondadori, € 306 million on Friday closing prices, dwarf analysts you don't expect to cover financial ruin on the Berlusconi family family brings great media empire, the separately held broadcasting group Mediaset.

"If you look at the Fininvest balance sheet, there is no economic threat to Fininvest," said LUISS law professor Roberto Pardolesi. "I think it is unlikely that Berlusconi suffer political damage, because the worst part of the history, corruption was already digested." "This is the conclusion on the story of a kind."

Yet the award at a time as the premier comes through a series of electoral defeats has weakened in recent weeks. Not only lose its candidates has several key policies in referendums - including a law, the partial Berlusconi vice versa control of the major Italian cities in municipal elections, including his native Milan, but voters and other top officials concealed from persecution.

Berlusconi has dozens of court cases in Milan, faced most of them in connection with its operations. He has always denied wrongdoing, and in the final verdict has been either acquitted or seen deleted the Statute of limitations.

Four cases proceedings are paid and used his influence in Milan, including the sensational study according to the Premier for sex with a minor teen then, to cover it up. The study will be continued later in this month.

Berlusconi lawyer Niccolo Ghedini, who was not involved in the Mondadori case, was confident that Italy's highest court to reverse the sentence would.

"Milan appeals court has pass a judgment against all logic," said Ghedini.

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