Thursday, July 21

Moody's cuts Ireland's rating to junk-e-

Moody's on Tuesday downgraded to do Ireland's Government bond ratings, junk, another blow for the euro area, as it fights to a worsening debt crisis include Brussels - investors service.

Moody's said it Ireland's rating a notch to BA1 from Baa3, because it, that a growing threat of the indebted country a second rescue mission must sees their expired current bailout end of 2013. The Outlook for Ireland "negative" remains, adds Moody's.

Banks and other private investors likely will be asked to contribute to any new bailout for example by Ireland more time to repay of its bonds Moody's said. This involvement of the private sector is currently negotiating is for Greece was the first country in the euro area, which had to be saved and which now negotiated his second rescue package a little more than a year within.

Downgrade of Ireland follows a similar move last week when Moody is the evaluation of Portugal, the third victim of the eurozone debt crisis cut. It comes at a difficult time for the 17-currency Union, which has seen the crisis in the last few days to devour large countries such as Spain and Italy, which are too large, is threatening to to be saved.

A two-day meeting of Finance Ministers in Brussels, the earlier Tuesday closed, opened the door for lower interest rates and longer terms for rescue loans from countries already saved - a move that should take some pressure of Ireland. The Ministers said that she also greater powers for the eurozone bailout Fund, would discuss, how to load the right on defaulted bonds on the open market and thus lower debt of the country to buy.

However, came the concessions, which remained very vague, as Minister for the first time acknowledged that they are ready, a temporary standard rating for Greece part of its efforts to banks and investment funds, the load of a second bailout of parts to get in.

The debate on the new Greek package has rocked markets and undermine the confidence of investors in other struggling countries like Ireland. It also urged the European Union and other countries of the euro area to the rating agencies, attack, which they say are unfair in their assessments of the countries that were already stored.

The European Commission, the EU Executive and one of the institutions, supervision of Ireland exiting bailout, came immediately to the downgrade.

"It is very much with the current data that the strong to has made a return to growth of GDP this year and the resolute implementation of the programme (rescue) by the Irish Government support," said the Commission in a statement.

Moody's confirms that the Irish Government slashed its budget deficit - the EU has the largest by far last year - and met in his program, which encompasses the goals cuts also tax increases and economic reforms.

Moody's, but warned that "implementation risks remain important, particularly in view of the continued weakness of the Irish economy."

He quotes also "the shift in tone between the EU governments over the conditions under which, support for distressed eurozone rulers are made available."

The EU has been locked in a battle with the ratings for last week, after it popped Moody's decision to downgrade Portugal. The block has new rules for credit rating agencies, after which fail that predict the credit crisis of 2007-08 implements. It is set to a new round of regulation in November, suggest where it new requirements for public debt ratings, such as a warning, such as longer for Governments, so that they point out errors with the data can introduce. It is considering to end also reviews for countries that have a international support program, said that the agencies so far not due regard to the European solidarity and that these countries are already adequately monitored by their public creditors.

Inspectors owe the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the international, Monetary Fund are currently in Dublin, check on the implementation of the bailout programme before the next loan can be transferred. Their mission is set to end on Thursday.

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